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Joao de Souza Freire de Araujo Borges Da Veiga was a Portuguese astronomer and climatologist.
This scientist is one of the authors of the manuscript Dialogo epistolar astronomico sobre o cometa apparecido em Lamego as da Abril e observado aze o dia 9. dao anno de 1766. The second author who signed this manuscript is Joze de Araujo Souza Freire Borges Da Veiga.
It is a Portuguese treatise on the 1766 comet (D/1766 G1 Helfenzrieder), which appeared in April of that year and was discovered on April 1 by Helfenzrieder, and independently by Messier, Cassini de Turi, and others. The treatise gives a detailed account of the observations made by the authors from an observatory located on Mount Queimada near Lamego, Portugal. The authors also provide a chronological catalog of previous observations of comets since 1500 and cite their numerous authors.
The authors of this treatise were the first known climatologists, as well as experienced astronomers in continental Portugal who made meteorological observations.